Friday, November 20, 2020

Curtailing Covid and Culturing Education

 Curtailing Covid and Culturing Education

“ It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”-Charles Darwin , Tale of Two Cities 

As Covid-19 Pandemic pans out and threatens to grip the world in a second spike of infection our heart does skip a beat. Yet the prospect of an imminent vaccine and the effective control offered by SOP’s like mask wearing and repeated sanitation offer hope to all of us. In this scenario every educationist is flipping pages of his past experience and trying to think out of the box about how to effectively deliver education to our students. Online classes offer a huge window of opportunity in this scenario. 

However a new flight is always a challenge, there is a danger of a fall just as there is a promise of exploring new skies. We choose to strengthen our wings and explore new skies. Covid 19 may have blocked our ways for going out but it certainly has brought us together and paved  our way to get closer to each other. 

Parents and children have got a rare opportunity to get together and bind with each other like never before.

Covid has given us all a window to peep into the lives of our children, into their class rooms and be a part of their teaching-learning process. This year we can understand ,  empathise and facilitate our kids education process and train them in indispensable life-skills. 

It is a time for us as parents and teachers to emphasize the need for being sensitive to our fellow beings. To teach our children that a lone wolf may die but a pack will survive the harshest winter.

It is also time for us to understand that along with academics, values and respect for the environment is an inseparable part of a child’s education and was a part and parcel of our family values till we got busy with our jobs.

 Today however we can spare those additional few mins with our child and re-emphasize the same. So while we maintain a healthy physical distance, sanitize and wear our masks regularly let us also to remember to place the less fortunate in our heart and lend them a helping hand. 

Rachna Jain 





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