Sunday, January 10, 2021

A Positive Attitude Makes a Difference


Change your thoughts and you change your world."—Norman Vincent Peale

Negative thinking is like a giant wall. It closes you in, keeps you from accomplishing goals, and blocks you from moving forward in life—whether it be learning, growing, or obtaining happiness whereas a  positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results. It lets you relax, remember, focus and absorb information as you learn.

Positive thinking can be achieved through a few different techniques that have been proven effective.Instead of getting stuck in the negativity, turn to those habitually optimistic people who have figured out how to see the brighter side of life and remain positive no matter what… so you can learn to do the same.

Here are some tips that can help you train your brain how to think positively-

1.Follow a healthy lifestyle. Aim to exercise for about 30 minutes on most days of the week.

2.Surround yourself with positive people. The people you socialize with affect your mental attitude. You deserve to be around people who try to be happy, as that will encourage you to be happier

3. Set and track your own learning goals .Setting clear learning goals or objectives and then tracking your progress towards them is one of the best ways to boost motivation and increase achievement.

4. Appreciate the Things You Have. Look around you and learn to appreciate everything you have in your life. Your family, friends, career, home, food, car, etc., is enough to create a positive attitude because no matter how bad things get in life, we still must be thankful for everything we still have. 

5.Look for good qualities in people. When dealing with other people, such as friends and families, it is often easy to see their numerous imperfections. If somebody has annoyed or upset you, just try to think of their good qualities. It is by focusing on people’s good qualities that we are able to make progress.

6. Limit Social Media Use . While using social media, we often tend to focus on what others have and what we don’t have. Clearly, that’s not healthy and empowering for our minds. Indulge in as many positive and productive things as you can. Healthy hobbies like sports, gardening, art, etc. , prayer, meditation,spending time with nature.

7.Life is always moving on. Bad times don't last forever. Say to yourself, "This too will pass."

8.Remember that adversity can be an opportunity to learn more about yourself, other people and how to cope with life, however unpleasant the actual lesson may be.

9.Think positive thoughts. Instead of “I can’t,” think “I can try my best.”

10.Read Positive and Inspirational Materials .Spend time each day reading something that encourages positive thinking. 

Your mind is a garden
Your thoughts are the seeds
You can grow flowers or
You can grow weeds

What we decide to think, feel and do today will eventually produce results tomorrow. If we choose to live today with good thoughts and decide to feed our mind with positive ideas rather than instilling fear of the unknown then we can lead a happy and successful life. So, BE POSITIVE.


1 comment:

  1. Very rightly put together , our attitude in life decides our altitude . 🙂



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