Sunday, January 10, 2021


 My pretty little rose bush that bears delicate pink roses every season , seemed to have grown wayward . Its branches were growing in all directions and it seemed pale and frail . After tending to it on my own a  few times , i decided to call the gardner in spite of the looming pandemic threat ..

The gardner took one good look at the rose bush picked up his scissors and went 'jab', 'jab' ,  'jab', cutting all overgrown branches of the plant . 

How could i withstand this riot argument ensured between him and me about having to cut the branches of the beautiful English rose hedge ;

my knowledge and degree  in botany not withstanding ..he had the final word ...that roses bloom only once the plant is trimmed . 

Though my  heart ached for having trimmed the plant , yet on the third day itself i noticed tiny new buds and new leaves ...😀 The plant also seemed to have gained health and in no time after that leaves and  buds grew in abundance and i was overjoyed 😁

So the gardner's philosophy was after all true ... A few nicks , a little pain does help in growth ! Its true for roses and for humans too .. we fear pain we fear losses ,but in the journey of life pain is always the precursor of change ...only when we lose the old and haggred leaves do we gain beautiful new ones and each wound is natures way of helping us grow .🙂

Lucy Jad 


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