Wednesday, February 10, 2021




ITC Savlon  recently  launched a new series  of TV commercials with the underlying message “ Mask hai mazak nahin’  and that  triggered my thinking nodes to pen down my experiences of wearing a mask . ‘Mask on’ is the need of the hour and that  has   been instilled in us every minute be it through commercials , videos  and the now legendary words of  Mr. Amitabh bachan ruling our mobile phones urging people to wear mask  .I beg to disagree if it is all about wearing  . Masks have now become more of a fashion statement. Designer masks embedded with brocade lining and  swarowskis are trending but  for me  It doesn’t matter what your face mask looks like, where you got it from or how it feels, what matters is wearing a functional one which covers our entire mouth and nose.  In my opinion our face being our primary mode of self-expression having it covered is of utmost importance than merely looking good. It’s the tool we use to communicate on every level. It’s how we identify one another and now it has to be covered,  for a lot of people, wearing a cute face mask can be one small and safe way to make a terrible situation seem trivial rather than a potential vector of disease. There are plenty of stylish people who are more interested in looks rather than the mask’s primary function but for me, masks aren’t really a fashion accessory they’re a necessity and our only security shield against this dangerous epidemic. So through this campaign I wish to teach people how to wear mask correctly after all  safety of one another is what matters. Its time  to change our whats app emojis too as now we are learning to  express ourselves with eyes . Lets bring this small change with SMILE in our  EYES’.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

 International Holocaust Remembrance Day 

The International Holocaust Remembrance Day 
is the  international memorial day observed  on 27 January that commemorates the victims of The Holocaust, the  genocide  of European  Jews by Nazi Germany between 1941 and 1945.

 27 January was chosen to commemorate the event as that was the day when  Auschwitz  concentration camp was liberated  by the Red Army in 1945.

The day remembers the killing of 6 million Jews and 11 million others by the Nazi regime and its collaborators.

Jews were killed and brutalised by Nazi Germany under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, many of them were sent to gas chambers or killed en masse by bullets , others were put in concentration camps under in human conditions .

This day is a sad reminder to the coming generations not to repeat mistakes of the past, never to allow another Hitler rule the minds of men  and never repeat a genocide ever again . 

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

I Miss My School Days….!


I Miss My School Days….!

My school, Vishal Bharti Public School (VBPS), has made me what I am today. It has given me the foundation to think critically and built my wisdom. So, today if I can claim that I am a Journalist and can-do reporting with credibility, it is because my teachers gave me the strength, I needed to take the next steps toward my dream. I am proud to be alumni of VBPS.

Indeed, School life is the best life. Anyone who has been a student knows what school life is all about: It is the golden period of learning and it truly impacts students’ lives. 

As we all know that success is never a one-time thing and years of efforts are behind it. So, I can proudly say that my school VBPS, and the teachers have consistently made efforts to shape me into a disciplined and focussed person.

I have a lot of memories of my school days from spending good time with friends to getting pulled up  by my  teachers. 

Looking back, I realize how ignorant I was during my school days and how many shortcomings I had. However, my time in school showed me how important school life is and I would not have the great friends, good knowledge, good experiences, and good memories I have today if it was not for my school years.

During my school days, I always had the habit of recording my experiences in a diary. During my free time, I would always open my diary and write. It helped me soothe my pain and it fulfilled me with confidence and courage. It fulfills me with confidence and courage.

I still remember when my Hindi teacher Ms. Prem Lata said, “There are only two ways to grow in life- by traveling or by reading”, and I’ve found that to be largely true. Her dedication towards teaching and helping us to learn the language can’t be expressed in words. As a saying goes- “Music doesn’t have any language”, fits perfectly in my life. I must say my music teacher Ms. Sadhna Sohal gave me the best memories. Although I wasn't fond of singing or dancing her faith and dedication helped me to develop an interest in music. Her idea of listening to music helped me to remain focused meanwhile bringing down stress levels. 

I think the list of such memories is endless, but I would like to say that I miss my school days. Such joyful and happy experiences have made our education much interesting. I would always be thankful to my school and teachers who’ve prepared me to face all the challenges that the world will offer us. They shape our character, mould our mental attitudes and fashion the basic principles of life. I'm so grateful to be part of Vishal Bharti Public School (VBPS). The positivity and encouragement I got from my school made me the better, more thoughtful person that I'm today.

Name: Akhil Parashar

Batch: 1999

Current Position: Foreign Correspondent, China Radio International, Beijing, China

Sunday, January 10, 2021

A Positive Attitude Makes a Difference


Change your thoughts and you change your world."—Norman Vincent Peale

Negative thinking is like a giant wall. It closes you in, keeps you from accomplishing goals, and blocks you from moving forward in life—whether it be learning, growing, or obtaining happiness whereas a  positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results. It lets you relax, remember, focus and absorb information as you learn.

Positive thinking can be achieved through a few different techniques that have been proven effective.Instead of getting stuck in the negativity, turn to those habitually optimistic people who have figured out how to see the brighter side of life and remain positive no matter what… so you can learn to do the same.

Here are some tips that can help you train your brain how to think positively-

1.Follow a healthy lifestyle. Aim to exercise for about 30 minutes on most days of the week.

2.Surround yourself with positive people. The people you socialize with affect your mental attitude. You deserve to be around people who try to be happy, as that will encourage you to be happier

3. Set and track your own learning goals .Setting clear learning goals or objectives and then tracking your progress towards them is one of the best ways to boost motivation and increase achievement.

4. Appreciate the Things You Have. Look around you and learn to appreciate everything you have in your life. Your family, friends, career, home, food, car, etc., is enough to create a positive attitude because no matter how bad things get in life, we still must be thankful for everything we still have. 

5.Look for good qualities in people. When dealing with other people, such as friends and families, it is often easy to see their numerous imperfections. If somebody has annoyed or upset you, just try to think of their good qualities. It is by focusing on people’s good qualities that we are able to make progress.

6. Limit Social Media Use . While using social media, we often tend to focus on what others have and what we don’t have. Clearly, that’s not healthy and empowering for our minds. Indulge in as many positive and productive things as you can. Healthy hobbies like sports, gardening, art, etc. , prayer, meditation,spending time with nature.

7.Life is always moving on. Bad times don't last forever. Say to yourself, "This too will pass."

8.Remember that adversity can be an opportunity to learn more about yourself, other people and how to cope with life, however unpleasant the actual lesson may be.

9.Think positive thoughts. Instead of “I can’t,” think “I can try my best.”

10.Read Positive and Inspirational Materials .Spend time each day reading something that encourages positive thinking. 

Your mind is a garden
Your thoughts are the seeds
You can grow flowers or
You can grow weeds

What we decide to think, feel and do today will eventually produce results tomorrow. If we choose to live today with good thoughts and decide to feed our mind with positive ideas rather than instilling fear of the unknown then we can lead a happy and successful life. So, BE POSITIVE.



 My pretty little rose bush that bears delicate pink roses every season , seemed to have grown wayward . Its branches were growing in all directions and it seemed pale and frail . After tending to it on my own a  few times , i decided to call the gardner in spite of the looming pandemic threat ..

The gardner took one good look at the rose bush picked up his scissors and went 'jab', 'jab' ,  'jab', cutting all overgrown branches of the plant . 

How could i withstand this riot argument ensured between him and me about having to cut the branches of the beautiful English rose hedge ;

my knowledge and degree  in botany not withstanding ..he had the final word ...that roses bloom only once the plant is trimmed . 

Though my  heart ached for having trimmed the plant , yet on the third day itself i noticed tiny new buds and new leaves ...😀 The plant also seemed to have gained health and in no time after that leaves and  buds grew in abundance and i was overjoyed 😁

So the gardner's philosophy was after all true ... A few nicks , a little pain does help in growth ! Its true for roses and for humans too .. we fear pain we fear losses ,but in the journey of life pain is always the precursor of change ...only when we lose the old and haggred leaves do we gain beautiful new ones and each wound is natures way of helping us grow .🙂

Lucy Jad 


RAVI RAJPUT - My Journey at VBPS

My experience at Vishal Bharti Public School cannot be recorded in a couple of pages but since I am required to keep it short, I will try to follow. I joined VBPS in class 11th due to a change of stream that wasn’t available at my previous school. It was probably one of the best academic decisions of my life.

What started as a journey of studying humanities later became a study of life for me. This was the place where I truly found myself. I always knew I could write and this was the place that helped me polish this skill and sort of give a direction to my career as now I am studying English Literature in ARSD College of Delhi University to truly understand this language that I fell in love with at VBPS. Under guidance of Mr. Bankesh Mahajan I wrote my first ever short story which later got published. Then again, under Mrs. Anu Tandon, I wrote a couple of other stories and numerous poems that gave me an identity of a poet and a writer.

I was blessed with having Mrs. Jaya as my class teacher for class 11th as not only she guided me to be better but she actually acted like a mother figure when things were hard at home. Her constant push and encouragement made me who I am today. It was she

who sent me for my first MUN which changed me for good, a person who was an introvert and mostly kept to himself finally became an outgoing and socializing lad; all because of that one MUN.

With Mrs. Srilatha, I found a guide that truly understood my potential. Whenever I scored good or even topped, she’d say that I could do better and she was right. Though geography was never a field of interest for me as such, it actually became something I used to look up to under her teaching.

I can’t not mention Mr. Sumit and Mrs. Seema as while the former sowed seeds of a love for running as an exercise, the latter always taught me concepts of economics with utmost patience even after asking a billion times.

To conclude, VBPS is very much a part of my identity and personality and I am forever grateful of this beautiful place for giving me some of the most precious moments and people that I shall cherish forever.

Thank you,

Ravi Rajput

Humanities 2nd Topper (93% overall)





Since Primary classes, my school regularly provided us with opportunities to explore our abilities in extracurricular. I greatly benefited from that along with the school’s firm emphasis on academics. Now, being in the Mental Health profession I rely on a variety of skills like writing, drama, art and compassion. When I look back, all of these skills were recognized and supported by my teachers back in school. Madhu ma’am, my art teacher and Anupma Verma ma’am, who emphasize on poetry and embodied the elegance of literature for me, really nurtured my confidence in art and writing respectively, which I now cherish so much. I discovered my liking for drama through Prem ma’am’s wonderful Nukkad Nataks and I’ll always remember Lucy ma’am for so generously mentoring us during science exhibitions. We all have that one teacher who makes a defining impact on us, for me that was Jaya ma’am, my 10th standard class teacher. From her, I learnt that grace is made of efficiency and kindness put together. What she gave every student is the unconditional positive regard I now read about in psychology. It is the most important thing that builds a person or can keep a person from falling apart. In future, as a school counsellor, I hope to replicate her impact on me. VBPS provides a conducive environment for the growth of all kinds of individuals with its robust academic system and elaborate culture of extracurricular


Alumni VBPS (2016)

Bachelor in English Literature  (D.U)

Currently Clinical Psychology  Master’s Student

Amity University Noida

And Trauma Therapist for a Children Living under adverse conditions


  MASK ON ITC Savlon   recently   launched a new series   of TV commercials with the underlying message “ Mask hai mazak nahin’   and t...